
Hi, I'm Eivind Strand Harboe, a software engineer at FrontCore who loves coding and tackling complex problems. Currently, I have finished my bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and i am in the middle of completing a Master of Science in Computer Science.🎓

I am skilled in Java, Python, TypeScript, React, Rust, C#, and have experience using Docker, Terraform, Azure and AWS. I have also worked on projects involving machine learning and data analysis. My passion for software engineering drives my desire to participate in projects that challenge and promotes my growth as an engineer.👨‍💻

Throughout my studies and military experience, I've gained significant expertise in working with teams. As a result, I consider myself a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to create innovative solutions. I'm also a quick learner, always eager to learn and explore new technologies. Additionally, I often find myself being the go-to person when others face challenges or need assistance, as I enjoy helping solve problems and providing support to others. 🤝


Full Stack Engineer

From September 2022 to Present at FrontCore, Oslo, Norway

Developing and maintaining a Learning Management System using React, Next, tRPC and TailwindCSS. The system utilizes AI to provide a better learning experience.

Knowledge Engineer

From June 2024 to August 2024 at Computas, Oslo, Norway

Developed a sharing platform for NRK TVaksjonen using React, Next.js and ASP.NET with Azure and Terraform.

Software Engineer

From June 2023 to August 2023 at Knowtex, San Francisco, USA

Developed robust ETL pipelines using AWS services. Responsibilities included integrating large datasets, optimizing data transformations, and ensuring reliable data storage

Squad Leader/Watch Commander

From June 2019 to July 2020 at Royal Norwegian Air Force, Oslo, Norway

Squad leader/watch commander for a team of 10 soldiers. Responsible for ensuring readiness and response needs were met as well as operation of access control


Master of Science, Computer Science

2023 to 2025 at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Graduate Level Program, Entrepreneurship

2023 at UCB - University of California, Berkeley, California, USA

Graduate Level Program, Entrepreneurship

2023 at UiO - University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Bachelor's degree, Computer Engineering

2020 to 2023 at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Jocelyn Kang | CTO/Co-Founder Knowtex

Eivind was a fantastic contributor during his summer internship. He was responsible for implementing our internal product analytic dashboards. This was a project that required him to utilize several platforms, tools, and languages, and he went above and beyond all expectations.

Not only did he build every single visualization we asked for, he also organically thought of new additions to add to the dashboard, and was incredibly fast at implementing everything. He also helped optimize our dashboard runtimes and implemented better security protocols.

Overall, I cannot say enough great things about Eivind. He was always eager to help wherever possible, open to learning new things, fast to accomplish whatever we gave him, and a great communicator. Any team would be lucky to have him.

  • Python
  • Java
  • C#
  • TypeScript
  • Rust
  • SQL
  • ETL
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Terraform
  • React
  • Stripe
  • Scrum
© 2024 Eivind Strand Harboe